What is School Choice?

How do you feel about school choice?

  • 63
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    I pay about 1/4 - 1/3 of my salary to federal and state taxes every year. I biologically am unable to have kids. Should I get a voucher for the money I pay into the public school system? What about parents whos kids aren't in the 12-year age range of public schools? Voucher! When you're a new parent, it can feel like everybody's got kids. That's commonly referred to as a "bubble". But here's the thing...

    Over the years, my taxes have paid for:

    •Foreign wars that I've found immoral and that were based on lies.

    •The enslavement, torture, slaughter, and distribution of california cows, texas pigs, and georgia chickens, but I'm vegan, so oh well.

    •Airline industry bail-outs during in yerars where I never flew, and market crashes that had nothing to do with me.

    •A wall Mexico was supposed to pay for.

    •The salaries of federal officials who were voted into office by citizens of other states, and who use their positions impose federal laws on my state from afar.

    It's called a society. When your privately-educated child grows up, and starts their succesful company or whatever, don't you want them to be able to find among their community the pafrtners, investors, and skilled workers they'll need?